Our Mission Statement: To provide an informative, positive and safe network for people with FM-CFS-MCS.
(Celebrating its 17th year! Thank You!)
(Celebrating its 17th year! Thank You!)
You are invited to attend our peer support group where we discuss various obstacles and strategies related to out condition of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. We are here to help you deal with day to day living because we care and understand.
Location: Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall: 10066 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, ON. (Open to anyone in York Region).
Driveway on West side, just North of Major Mackenzie Drive (Parking free).
Meetings: Held first Thursday of every month from 11 am to 1 pm.
NEWS: Meeting on Thursday September 7th 2017.
Take part in a wonderful opportunity to meet up locally during the month. This is different than the regular meetings since it is a chance for informal, unstructured social interaction with your peers.
Enjoy a cup of coffee, a chat and make new friends.
These get togethers usually take place mid-month and are organized by the members themselves SO, if this interests you, then come out to a regular meeting to get the details of time & place for the "coffee social"
Contact us
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: www.twitter.com/fibro4support
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fibromyalgia-and-CFS-Support-Group-of-York-Region/195910983809214
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/fibrosupport
Last updated: August 31, 2017 Site created by: Vidur Pathak & Abhishek Pathak
IMPORTANT: This site is only for informational purposes.
Web Site Status: This site is under development.
Web Site Status: This site is under development.